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18th November, 2020 (14:00 – 16:30 UK time)

In partnership with Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia

360 video is an innovative, but easy to use, technology that is transforming the learning experiences of students and teachers alike, particularly during these COVID times when physical visits to places of interest or importance are difficult, or impossible. The ‘Supporting Educators’ Pedagogical Activities with 360 Video’ (SEPA360) is an Erasmus+ project funded by the EU to demonstrate how this innovative technology can be used in Higher Education to enable students to learn more effectively in settings and places that are unfamiliar or new to them. This might be a classroom setting for a trainee teacher or a hospital ward for a trainee nurse. 360 video enables us to capture the entire setting in a way that users can then navigate at their own pace and direction. In addition to this, the project is also developing an entirely original platform to host 360 video and enable users to add annotations and interactive elements such as questions, quizzes or additional information.

In this seminar/webinar, members of the project team, which include five universities spread across Europe, will introduce the topic and the developments that have been made in the first year of the project. This will be an introduction to 360video for beginners and is aimed at educators in Higher Education who want to explore how the technology might be used in their own context.


The programme for the event includes:

14:00 – 14:15: Introduction and overview of the project from the project coordinator, Professor Kevin Burden, The University of Hull, UK

14:15 – 15:00 The pedagogical uses and value of 360 video (Michael Empsen and colleagues, PXL University, Belgium)

15:00 – 15:10 Short break/intermission (using break out rooms)

15:10 – 15:20 Question and Answer session (opportunity to ask experts questions)

15:20 – 16:00 Workshops (participants select one of the following workshops to attend*)

Workshop 1: Vivista software (Simon Verbeke, PXL University, Belgium).

This workshop will introduce participants to the online Vivista platform that enables users to add extra interactivity to their 360 videos. This includes multiple choice questions, information points and other elements of interactivity. The platform is free to download and Simon will illustrate how it is used and what the benefits are of doing so.


Workshop 2: Research and latest findings about 360 video in Higher Education
(Isabella Bruni and colleagues, the University of Florence, Italy)

This workshop will explore the latest research findings about 360 video building on a systematic literature review that was produced by the partners in 2019-2020. It will help participants understand the different types of ways 360 video has been used in universities and which of these are most effective.


Workshop 3: Selecting and using 360 video cameras (Michael Feurstein, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Austria)

In this workshop Michael will share his knowledge and expertise about 360 video cameras and their different functions, helping participants to understand how different cameras work; how to film and edit 360 video and how to share these with others. No previous technical understanding of 360 video cameras required.


16:00 -16:30 Case studies: a selection of digital champions (lecturers and researchers) working in the different partner universities will share their experiences of using 360 video, explaining the value of this technology and some of the issues to be aware of before starting

16:30 Close


*please note that due to space restrictions each workshop will be limited in numbers. Therefore please rank the workshops you wish to attend, 1-3 with 1 being the most preferable.


To register for this event and book your place, click here:



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