Intellectual Output 2: Vivista – A platform/portal that enables lecturers/students to upload, annotate, enrich and share 360 degree video exemplars in a collaborative environment.
Lead by: Hogeschool PXL
Due date: July 2022
– Online platform (Vivista) for uploading and editing interactive elements into 360 videos
– Support materials to use and instal platform (e.g. technical manual)
This IO will result in the design, development, and testing of a bespoke and innovative open source, online platform to host 360 videos. It will be available through a simple web portal (URL) enabling users, both teachers and their students, to upload their 360 videos, tag and add metadata to them (make them more retrievable), annotate and add interactivity to them. The platform will include a learning analytics dashboard and back-end database allowing teachers to monitor and track usage by students.