Partner: University of Hull
The University of Hull is a public university, founded in 1927, located in Kingston upon Hull, a city in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England. The School of Education resides within the Faculty of Arts, Cultures and Education, and plays in active role in promoting the use and adaption of digital technologies for learning. The School has been involved in many European initiatives and projects associated with digital technologies include the Mobilising and Transforming Teacher Educators’ pedagogies project (2014-2017), the Designing Innovative Mobile Pedagogies project (2017-2020) and now the Supporting Educators Pedagogical Activities with 360 Video project (2019-2022)
Why are we interested in 360 video?
The University of Hull is excited by the pedagogical opportunities afforded by 360 video for both lecturers and their students. 360 video offers opportunities for students to experience multiple and often unique perspectives that might not otherwise be available to them such as a visit to a tropical rainforest or the a visit to a dangerous industrial site such as a chemical plant where they would not normally be granted access. Staff involved in the project are helping to demonstrate the value of 360 video in their respective disciplines (see below) and to show how this technology can be used to support students when they are faced with unfamiliar or intimidating new settings.

Digital Champions at the University of Hull

The project is led in the University of Hull by Professor Kevin Burden, from the School of Education, who also leads the University wide Digital Global Research network which is a cross faculty, interdisciplinary research and scholarship group focused on the pedagogical impact of digital technologies. Kevin is passionate about the use and potential of digital technologies, and especially mobile learning, in education and works with researchers and academics across the world to investigate the impacts of this on society.

David has a strategic responsibility for learning and teaching portfolios in the areas of Professional Skills and Process Safety Management, within the Chemical Engineering department, leading change, and managing quality and supporting innovation especially in the area of blended learning.
He has a genuine passion and enthusiasm for all aspects of education, and a strong desire to make a difference and drive improvements in quality, effectiveness and efficiency. David is grounded in the educational disciplines of research, teaching, lecturing and examining to high standards, and has expert knowledge of the latest thinking in education.
Contact: David Sowden

Natalie is an experienced operating department practitioner who became a permanent member of the operating department practice team at University of Hull in 2015. Previously a clinical practice educator, surgical first assistant and seconded and guest lecturer (since 2010), Natalie was involved in the development of the BSc (Hons) Operating Department Practice programme. This steered her to progress and lead the Advanced Practice in Context modules; which can be accessed by experienced registered perioperative practitioners. Natalie also organises and participates in teaching regional anaesthesia clinical skills in local, national and international workshops (UK/Sri Lanka/Nepal/China/India).
Contact: Natalie Teal
Paul is a lecturer and researcher in the school of education. He leads a number of programmes / modules across teacher education and education students. Paul taught for 20 years in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors in the UK across a range of subjects and disciplines, rising to senior management positions in several schools. He has also worked nationally and internationally as an inspector and consultant, and sat on the boards of a number of education bodies. Paul has been using, developing and training using digital technologies since the Apple Lisa working on a number of national and international projects. He is passionate about asking two questions: how can technology support our existing pedagogies? and how can technology challenge our existing pedagogies?
Contact: Paul Hopkins

Dom is a behavioural ecologist and naturalist. His biological research focused on the relationship between humanity and biodiversity, and how each can benefit the other. Dom’s involvement in the project stems from his position within the Biosciences Education Research Group (BERG). We are particularly interested in the power of 360 videos to improve the accessibility and sustainability of field and laboratory work. We also hope to adapt the technology to support the Nature & ME project, which looks to engage sufferers of debilitating chronic illness with nature-based citizen science.
Contact: Dr. Dom Henri

Chris is a Research Fellow in the Energy and Environment Institute specialising in using computer modelling to understand flood risk and resilience, in particular how these might evolve with changes to climate and landscapes.
He leads the SeriousGeoGames Lab that seeks to improve the understanding and utility of computer models through using methods from other areas, such as video games. Past work has included virtual reality and 360 video applications. He is the Vice-Chair for Outreach and Education for the British Society for Geomorphology.
Contact: Dr. Chris Skinner